The Art of Doodling for Adults – New Class in My Area

While this new class will be of interest for those in my area, if there is enough interest I would consider setting up a web based educational class.

The Art of Doodling for Adults begins on October 8 and goes through November 12, 2019. It will be held at the Buellton Parks and Recreation Department. Which is located at 301 2nd Street, Suite A, Buellton, California.

Supplies are required. Contact me at for the list. It will also be available at the parks and recreation department offices.  Most supplies can be purchased at Harrison Hardware’s Art Department or at Michael’s Craft stores.

No artistic skills are needed. Doodling is a spontaneous method of drawing abstract shapes. This activity has been studied to examine its effects on relieving stress. Engaging in a new activity helps the brain create new connections. Helping to improve memory and creativity. This technique offers the same benefits as traditional meditation. It is excellent for those who can’t remain still for a period of time.  Cell phones will be off, no distractions.

There is no right or wrong with this process. No required outcome. No mistakes. Everyone  can learn this method.

The first class will require just paper and a pencil. No erasers, no traceable objects. The second class will be using pencils to generate a layout yet similar to the first class. Only pens will be used at this point. The third class will incorporate colored pens or colored pencils. If there is enough interest I will organize an advanced class which will include mandalas and more challenging designs.

This is not a coloring book class. This is not a computer drawing class. This will allow the student to do their own drawings. The process allows all of us to expand our imaginations.  This is a fun way to spend one hour. Designed to quiet the mind and allows time for stillness, and who doesn’t need that?

Research on the relationship between drawing and cognition have been largely developed in the field of clinical neuropsychology in order to rehabilitate patients affected by particular forms of neurological disabilities. Within these studies, drawing is generally considered as a tool through which to test the functionality of brain connections. For this reason, these studies generally focus on drawing as a process aimed to graphically reproduce what has been observed, and therefore through which to test the ability to command gestures in a conscious way.

The process of drawing anything helps the mind become aware of what is known as spatial intelligence. We learn how to become aware of our surroundings. Observing patterns and images around us opens up our thinking to new possibilities. It clears our brain from the clutter installed when we use digital devices.

When you draw something, you look at everything in a different way, focusing your attention on lines, shapes, relationships and details that generally elude to the eye. In our inattentive observation of reality, the brain is satisfied with recognizing what it sees, without deepening the observation, interpretation and understanding of what our brain perceives. Drawing changes the way you look, making active the act of seeing more clearly.

The most recent research in the field of cognitive sciences suggests the existence of important relationships between graphic representation and cognitive development that support the idea of a graphic intelligence independent from the other forms of intelligence that have been until now considered able to describe and contain this particular type of human intellectual competence. Graphical intelligence is the ability to use graphic skills and, more generally, the ability to integrate the use of eye, mind and hand to solve problems of various kinds and generate effective products aimed at creating, acquiring and communicating knowledge.

It centers the mind so that we pay close attention to what is happening in the moment. Mindfulness is about being in the present.

Any kind of hand crafted hobby or activity is going to lead to a deeper peace in our thinking. It places our brain in a state of blissfulness, a separation from much of the junk that comes our way. Virtually everyone drew and doodled at one point in their lives. For artists and non-artists alike, drawing is about more than art. It is about the very art of thinking and existing.

If you are in my local area or near to it, considering saving October 8th and each Tuesday to take this class. It will be held from 10:30 to 11:30 am for six weeks. You will enjoy it!

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