Why Does Metabolism Change With Age?

Why Does Metabolism Change With Age?

You have probably heard this before. Your metabolism is slow because of your age! WRONG AGAIN! It will change if you don’t do anything about it! If anyone is physically capable of helping their activity level, why not do it? Most of us remember a time when we could eat anything we wanted and not […]

Is Aging Normal?

Is Aging Normal?

Things do change as we pass through our chronological birthdays. However, we all have options. In the past, scientists looked for a single theory that explained aging. There are two main groups of aging theories. The first group states that aging is natural and programmed into the body, while the second group of aging theories […]

Inflammaging: Connecting Aging and Chronic Diseases

Inflammaging: Connecting Aging and Chronic Diseases

There are many factors that contribute to aging.  Many aging concepts are assumed as research shows we have choices in how we age, well or not! Inflammaging may be one contributing factor. Inflammaging refers to a continuous, low-grade inflammation associated with aging. Such chronic inflammatory response could build up with time and gradually causes tissue […]



I had a chronological birthday on March 8th. My recent blood work was perfect! I’ve known for many years that we don’t just have a chronological age, but we all have a biological and a physiological age! Too much assumption is made out of aging! Everything has to do with what we have or haven’t […]

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women in the United States. Breast cancer will develop in approximately one in eight women during their lifetime. The incidence of this disease has changed very little in recent years.. The disease usually has changed very little in recent years. The disease usually occurs in women, […]

Cancer Risk After Radiation Therapy

Cancer Risk After Radiation Therapy

Ratiation Therapy is an important component of anticancer treatment. It is used for different purposes, such as curative, adjunct, and palliative treatment. Radiotherapy is delivered by external beam, brachytherapy, and systemic therapy. It is administered either to focused regions only or as a whole-body treatment. Radiotherapy used to treat carcinomas, especially thoracic cancers, such as […]

The Deadly Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

The Deadly Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

I have a neighbor who has just been diagnosed with CDJ (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease). She may only have a few months left to her life! She was fine until October. She then developed dizziness after a medical procedure.  Having had many diagnostic tests her condition was determined just a few weeks ago. What is this awful […]

Breast Cancer in Men

Breast Cancer in Men

While rare, men do develop breast cancer. Nipple blood discharge is the first symptom that they become aware of. Though breast cancer is most commonly thought of as a disease that affects women, breast cancer does occur in men. More commonly found in older men, although it can occur at any age. Men diagnosed with […]