Plant-Based Dietary Intervention on Body Weight and Insulin

Obesity affects over one-third of Americans and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes and cancer. Interventional trials have consistently demonstrated that consumption of plant-based diets reduces body fat in overweight and obese subjects, even when controlling for energy intake. Nonetheless, the mechanisms underlying this effect have not been well-defined.

While a variety of environmental factors influence the development of obesity, diet has a significant influence on adiposity (body fat).

Plant-based diets have been consistently associated with reduced body weight in a multitude of interventional trials. In comparative, randomized studies on obesity.

Middle-aged subjects were assigned to consume either and omnivorous semi-vegetarian diet for six months. the greatest weight loss after 6 months was in the vegan (-7.5% of body weight) and vegetarian (-6.3% body weight) subjects, compared with other groups (approximately -3.2% of body weight). In a large, prospective clinical trial with overweight and obese subjects diagnosed with T2DM, subjects were randomly assigned to either a low-fat vegan diet or a controlled and planned diet.

After 22 weeks, subjects consuming the vegan diet lost 5.1 kilograms of body weight compared to control (+0.1 kilogram). In a 12 month randomized controlled trial, overweight and obese subjects with T2DM or CVD pathology were assigned to either consume whole foods, plant-based diet or receive standard medical care. Subjects consuming the plant-based diet lost 11.5 kg) compared with the control group, which did not significantly change weight.

Eating high-fiber foods that are filling is the key to healthy weight loss, more than following a specific diet. Focus on vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains, and stay away from highly processed foods and animal products for weight loss that is sustainable.

Plant-based diets, which are typically low in fat and high in fiber, can reduce body fat. Studies show that athletes on a plant-based diet increase their maximum amount of oxygen during intense exercise. Leading to better endurance.

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