Xylitol Improves Dental Health

Xylitol Improves Dental Health

Xylitol is one of the better all natural sugar substitutes. It is considered to be one of the nutritious sweeteners that provide energy. Its sweetness is similar to sucrose, but less caloric. And it has a benefit in preventing dental cavities. Xylitol is a sugar substitute with sweetness equal to that of table sugar. It […]

Health Benefits Found In Rooibos Tea

Health Benefits Found In Rooibos Tea

Globally, tea is the second most consumed beverage after water. Habitual tea intake has been associated with higher bone mineral density, particularly in postmenopausal women. This association may be due to its polyphenols and resulting protective antioxidant effects. While in vito studies have shown improved bone outcomes with a consumption of individual purified tea polyphenols, it is […]