Sustaining Lifestyle Goals


If you are interested in making dietary changes remember that 60% of American adults have one or more diet-related chronic diseases. It is fairly common knowledge that a major aspect of good health is diet and exercise. Adhering to lifestyle change for the long-term can be challenging for many people. There are many ways to hold onto goals, all year long.

Research suggests that energy-restricted (low in vegetables) diets are ineffective in promoting changes in energy metabolism, endocrine function, and body composition. Having a health and wellness coach on your team is very beneficial to help you stay focused on so many aspects of you wellness plan.

An interesting technique to keep focused would be to make an inspiration board. Here is how you can use an inspiration board to become the happiest, healthiest version of yourself in 2023 and beyond!

Sometimes called vision boards, it is a collection of images, words, assembled together. they essentially create a visual representation of a chosen idea, concept or goal. Perhaps images of your end goals can be on this board.

You can make a physical board by taking a trip to your arts and crafts store. Purchasing a firm posterboard or other firm surface. A bulletin board would work also. Find pictures in your favorite health and fitness magazines. Cut them out and attach them to the board using glue, tape, pins, etc. Perhaps you can write in an end date to achieve each goal also. Give yourself a reward when you reach each goal. Don’t give up on yourself or your goals. It is ok to extend the end date.

When you make working toward your goal a habit, an automatic conditioned response occurs. Certain habits can help us develop our goals as a habit.

When you focus on each of the images, your inspiration becomes clearer and your goals become a way of life.

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