Have you heard you are what you eat?  We are mostly all about what we drink! Water is the key ingredient. The best fluid is clear, pure, preferably filtered water!

According to the National Institutes of Health, about 60 percent of the average adult human body is made of water. This includes most of your brain, heart, lungs, muscles and skin and even about 30 percent of your bones. Water also helps regulate our internal temperature, transports nutrients throughout our bodies, flushes waste, forms saliva, lubricates joints and even serves as a protective shock absorber for vital organs and growing fetuses.

There is very little scientific consensus about the exact amount of water any of us should consume each day, but how we determine if we need more? Some theories say to drink half of your body weight in water. Others say eight 8 ounces (237 milliliters) glasses of water a day (totaling 64 ounces, or about 1.9 liters). Numerous studies suggest that this is far more than is necessary for most healthy adults.

According to researchers, the problem with this is that drinking water by the glass is not the only way that humans can hydrate. It is true that guzzling H20 is an expensive and calorie free way to quench your dryness. Other sources come from certain foods. Everything you eat contains some water. Raw fruits and vegetables have a lot of water such as watermelons and strawberries, for example contain more than 80 percent water by weight. But it adds up. According to a 2004 report by the National Academies of Science, the average North American gets about 20 percent of his or her daily water intake through food and this counts toward healthy hydration.

It is true that non-alcoholic drinks such as coffee, tea, milk, juice contain mostly water. There is controversy regarding coffee. Some say it is dehydrating. There are adverse side effects of drinking too much caffeine in any form, including headaches and disrupted sleep.

There is no scientific studies on how much anyone needs daily. Everyone’s needs vary depending on their age, weight, level of physical activity, general health and even the climate that you live in. The more water you lose to sweating, the more water you’ll need to replace with foods and water. So naturally if you are doing strenuous activities in a hot, tropical climate would need to drink more water than a person of identical weight and height who spent the day sitting in an air conditioned office.

On average your body will tell you when to drink more water. Your digestive system will let you know, such as constipation which is a good indicator. Your urine can also tell you whether you are getting enough to drink. Dark yellow or orange urine usually indicates that you need more water. Well-hydrated urine should look pale yellow or colorless.

A refreshing and beneficial way to drink more water is to add lemon. Either soak the lemons or squeeze them into water. Make a pitcher full and keep it cold. You can even heat it. Some people like to add the rind, mint leaf or other ingredients. No not sugar.

Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning is a great way to wake up. It helps with mood, energy levels, the immune system and metabolic health. A great way to get your vitamin C as well. it contains 25% vitamin C. It also contains folate and potassium. Remember that the exact nutritional value depends on how much lemon juice you add as well as any other ingredients.

Another sign of dehydration is the development of kidney stones. These are solid mineral formations that collect in the kidneys. The most common type of kidney stone is made up of substance called calcium oxalate, and is typically treated with a compound called citrate. Increasing the amount of citrate in your urine is thought to prevent calcium from binding with other compounds and forming stones. Citrate restores the urine’s ability to prevent kidney stone formation. Lemon water contains high amount of citrate, and numerous human studies have fond it can successfully help treat kidney stones.

It appears to be most effective when used alongside potassium citrate, the supplement form of citrate. However, lemon water may also be a good alternative for those who don’t tolerate potassium citrate as a first-line for treatment.

A great benefit in drinking lemon water is appetite control. This can help with weight loss. it helps to create a feeling of fullness and boosts metabolism slightly. it has been reported that it even helps with exercise performance.

Please don’t use plastic bottles and only use filtered water. Try to obtain the cleanest form of water possible. Even well water has problems. Home filter systems are available for installation under your kitchen skin.


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