The first book is a primer on the endocrine system. This system encompasses a group of glands which function to regulate an produce hormonal responses. Which in turn provide a balance for our bodies to process energy, nutritional absorption and many other functions.
There is way too much assumption that exists both in the fitness field and the medical community. I am hoping to sort out fact from fiction in all that I have experienced and seen in my clients.
While the first book is about the basics of the endocrine system, books to follow will be specifically about thyroid problems as well as adrenal glands. Also encompassed in this series will be books on autoimmune disorders as well as others concepts.
This first book is almost finished and the others will take a bit more time. They will be available for purchase through my site and other sources.
If you have specific questions that perhaps you are struggling with please leave me a message. Please only leave me real questions, no advertising and no other promotional site info.
I hope to hear your real questions.