How does resistance training affect inflammation?

How does resistance training affect inflammation?

Resistance training is extremely important when it comes to aging, health, heart, bones and muscles and reducing the risk of certain diseases. Resistance training improves the metabolic profile in type 2 diabetes and helps with loosing weight. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine found how just one session of moderate […]

Damaging Effects of Eating Licorice

Damaging Effects of Eating Licorice

A 54 year-old man died recently from eating too much licorice. Hard to believe right? It is true. This was reported in The New England Journal of Medicine and on the news. The man was a construction worker from Massachusetts. He lost consciousness inside a fast-food restaurant and was taken to a hospital, where he […]

Walking Backwards Has Many Mind and Body Benefits

Walking Backwards Has Many Mind and Body Benefits

Independent functioning is at the core of successful aging, and independent mobility is critical to independent functioning. Exercise is very important for all ages, but to maintain independent functioning as we age it is critical. Exercise is recommended for older adults because it promotes physical and mental health, may improve mobility, and prevents walking difficulties. […]

How To Regain Your Goals

How To Regain Your Goals

Most people really get going on their fitness goals early in January. Then by March it is all over!  What with all the upheaval our world is experiencing, it is no wonder most people are feeling lost. Years ago there was a book titled Who Stole My Cheese. It helped people understand where their goals […]

Intermittent Fasting for Health and Longevity

Intermittent Fasting for Health and Longevity

When you contemplate a change in lifestyle, nutrition is usually the prime change. For many people weight loss is the primary goal that many people want the most. But over all health improvement should be the top focus. Eating foods that provide balanced nutrition, tastes good, and leaves you feeling good has inherent value. Moving […]



When you start a new health plan, food choices are very important. While very important, food alone isn’t the total health benefit! However, we have to exercise, not only aerobically but strength training is critical. When you understand the benefits you just might become more active. Writing in PLoS One, senior author Stephanie Schoeppe and […]

Do You Need To Know Your Body Fat Percentages?

Do You Need To Know Your Body Fat Percentages?

Stepping on the bathroom scale doesn’t tell you the what your real weight is! Scale weight alone is not a clear indicator of good health because it does not distinguish between pounds that come from body fat and those that come from lean body mass or muscle. Carrying too much fat is a condition called […]

Your Digestive Processes Can Cause Weight Gain

Your Digestive Processes Can Cause Weight Gain

If you are or ever have struggled with weight gain and not be able to eliminate it easily, your gut may be the problem. In recent years researchers have become increasingly convinced that the microbes that flourish our intestines have become the culprit. That research has led to the study of the billions and billions […]